Curriculum vitae
Corinna Coulmas, born in Hamburg in 1948 of a German mother and a Greek father. Childhood and youth in Germany (Hamburg and Kelkheim near Frankfurt). Adult life in France, Israel, Italy. Since 1974, permanently in France.

  1966 – 1974 : Studies of Theology, Philosophy and Sociology in Hamburg and Paris. B.A., M.A. and PhD at the Sorbonne.Studies of the Hebrew Language and Jewish Culture at the “Hebrew University” of Jerusalem and the “Institut National des Langues Orientales” (INALCO) of Paris, and of the Italian Language in Florence. PhD about identity problems in the Jewish Community of Florence.

Worked for four years at the theatre in Hamburg and Baden-Baden as the producer’s assistant. Organizer and head of the jury of a contest of one-act-plays (more than 800 contributions) in Baden-Baden.

Worked for five years as a publisher's reader (Rowohlt, Gallimard) and for three years as a news editor (AFP).

Research scholarship at the OCDE in the Section of Computer Research and Development.

In collaboration with Ruth Fabian, and with the support of the “Council of Jews from Germany”, writing and editing of a study on the German Emigration in France after 1933, “Die deutsche Emigration in Frankreich nach 1933” (Munich – New York – Paris 1978)

  1974 – 1984 : First assistant of Claude Lanzmann at his film ”Shoah”.

  1985 – 1999 : 1985 – 1999: Collaboration with Professor Saul Friedländer on his project on Collective Memory at UCLA. Member of the "Centre d'Etudes juives" at the University Paris IV, Sorbonne. Publications and conferences on modern and medieval Jewish history.Research scholarships of the “Memorial Foundation” and the “Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism.”

  Since 2000 :   Writing of an Anthropology of the Five Senses in the occidental World. Four volumes are published at the Éditions La Métamorphose, Paris (2013 – 2014): Métaphores des cinq sens dans l’imaginaire occidental, vol. 1-4, « Le Toucher » ; « Le Goût » ; « L’Odorat » ; « L’Ouïe ».

Literary texts: Poetry (in French and in German, lectures in Germany and South Africa); a play (in French); a philosophical fairy tale.

Publications and conferences in German, French and English on Kabbalah, Jewish and Christian Mystical Thinking, the Shoah and Collective Memory, and about the Five Senses.


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